The School Day

Children should arrive at school from 8.30am onwards when the gates will be opened. Children go straight into classrooms once they come into school. If your child goes home for lunch, they should return 5 minutes before school in the afternoon. 

No child is to leave the school premises during school hours without being collected by a parent or carer from one of our administration offices.

Juniors and Infants


School opens 8.30am
Start of the day 8.45am
Registration 8.45am
Lunchtime 12.00 noon
Start of the afternoon 1.00pm
End of school day 3.00pm

Parents collect children from within school grounds at the end of the school day.

Break Times


Infants 10.25am - 10.40am

Juniors 10.45am - 11am


Children should bring a healthy packed lunch each day with a still drink. The children are supervised and not expected to the leave school premises, unless they are going home for lunch - which has been pre-arranged with the child’s parents/carers. Education Services cannot be held responsible for any child who breaks this rule and leaves without appropriate permission. Children who persistently misbehave at lunchtime will not be allowed to stay at school for lunch. Parents will be informed before this action is taken.